Absolute perfection of God does not just mean moral perfection.
God is not just morally perfect but absolutely perfect in every way or on all fronts!
Consider this scenario -
“A man tortures a 5 year old kid to death.”
A normal person would have very negative reaction to this.
A person with extreme anti-social personality disorder (that is, psychopath) would have little to no negative reaction to this.
Notice that both the normal person’s negative reaction AND the psychopath’s neutral reaction to that scenario are automatic.
The normal person has empathy and compassion. These are automatic reactions. These are automatic feelings. The normal person feels bad seeing the suffering and deaths of others.
The psychopath, on the other hand, has no empathy nor compassion (I should mention that psychopaths, technically, can switch on their empathy, but empathy is only automatic for normal people. So, psychopaths seem to have more “libertarian free will” LMAO!!!!).
Also, consider that a normal human being feels pleasure when the world is at peace, happiness, and joy! A normal human being is compassionate or empathetic, so that means that when others are happy or laughing, a normal human being also feels happy (even if we grant some envy or jealousy). A normal human being feels sad when there is sadness and feels happy when there is happiness.
Being loving (that is, being automatically loving, unlike psychopaths) means you respond positively (that is, with pleasure or joy or happiness) when others are happy and respond negatively (that is, with pain, sorrow, sadness) when others are in pain. And this negative response helps a normal human being to soothe or relieve the pain of others. Both positive and negative responses inherently motivate normal human beings to increase happiness (joy, pleasantness, wellbeing) and reduce pain (suffering, misery, sickness) in the world.
It seems clear that the normal person is closer to absolute perfection than a psychopath. It is clear that psychopath is inherently dysfunctional. The psychopath is sick. Some psychopaths are also sadistic. So, these psychopaths feel pleasure when others are suffering or are in pain. And it is these psychopaths that cause a lot of suffering or pain to others. This is again sick. Getting pleasure from the suffering of others is sick. It is not remotely close to perfection.
Now, consider God, if God is absolutely perfect, then God is not a psychopath. God would not feel pleasure when seeing the pain or suffering and deaths of sentient beings. God would not feel neutral by seeing the pain or suffering and deaths of sentient beings (unless you are a classical theist who believes that God is always absolutely happy no matter what).
Remember that so far, I have not even begun to talk about actions of God or what should God do. Right now, we are just thinking about God’s psychology, nature, character. So, we are not just evaluating the actions of God, but also the psychology, nature, character, and disposition of God. We can evaluate the non-act features of a being too!
Absolute perfection of God means that God’s psychology is perfect, his nature is perfect, his character is perfect, and his disposition is perfect. God does not have a weird psychology such that God feels pain (negative utility monster level pain) when God increases happiness (or wellbeing) of others in the world and God feels pleasure (utility monster level pleasure) when God causes brutal suffering to others. Also, assume that this God feels immense (negative utility monster level) pain when God is not causing brutal suffering to others.
Important note - In this scenario, any consequentialist (and in fact, absolutely any moderate deontologist who is not stupid) would say that - yeah… let God torture those beings because God seems to be in immense, immense pain when God gives any pleasure to other beings and whenever God is not torturing other beings. We can also stipulate that this God really, really, really wishes that he felt happiness when others are happy and felt pain when others are in pain so that there would be no dissonance or no requirement of torturing others. But remember… if such a weird God exists, this God is not absolutely perfect then though.
Absolute perfection would, in fact, mean that God feels immense pleasure when God gives pleasure to others and God feels (not immense) some pain when others are in pain! This leads to a kind of a wonderful resonance or wonderful harmony where God is always promoting happiness or wellbeing of absolutely everyone (including himself) and always reducing pain or suffering of absolutely everyone (including himself). I should mention that this does not imply that God would always create everyone in heaven because God can see that maybe some pain or suffering to himself and to others can actually lead to future extreme or intense pleasure such that the previous suffering was worth it. For example, a great story can give immense pleasure overall even though we feel some pain during the middle of the story! So, for each individual, God has a wonderful optimized plan such that each individual would believe that their lives are worth living forever and even their previous suffering was worth it because it gave them immense happiness or wellbeing in the future.
[Again, if you are a classical theist, then God is always happy and no amount of suffering of others or pleasure of others can influence him either positively or negatively. But classical theism is false… so… who cares? lol]
Finally, I just used the example of pleasure and pain to just quickly explain what absolute perfection would mean, and absolute perfection does not require classical utilitarianism. You can believe that love, pleasure, loving relationships, aesthetics, are all objectively good and some of them are welfare candidate goods too. You can be a moderate deontologist, or a virtue ethicist, or whatever. You just should recognize that it is good if the world is at peace, joy, happiness, catharsis, wealth than at misery, poverty, suffering.
The definition of god is logically contradictory. Any logically possible being filling the slot is merely a high power alien. It doesn't make sense to revere either. There is no god but there may be a jailer, and in either case trying to earn its favor is a fool's errand. Or morally bankrupt.
People worshipping the inventor of cancer and screw worms or allowing them to persist are unhinged, and the only reason we don't pad their rooms is because we don't have enough rooms.